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Barkhausen Institut


    01.10.2024 | Opening of the “Dr. Future” Exhibition at the COSMO Science Forum

    Last week, the exhibition “Dr. Future – Medical Technology from Dresden science” was officially opened. Around 70 invited guests attended the event. In their speeches, Prof. Gerhard Fettweis and Tiphaine Cattiau emphasized the importance of science communication and collaboration among research institutions. The exhibition is open to the public free of charge until February 2025.

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    27.09.2024 | PRESS RELEASE: Exhibition "Dr. Future – Medical Technology from Dresden Science" at COSMO Science Forum

    Starting on October 1, 2024, the COSMO Science Forum will host the exhibition "Dr. Future. Medical technology from Dresden science". The exhibition presents new developments in medical technology from Dresden research institutions, with a focus on innovative implants, diagnostic methods, and modern medical devices through interactive displays.

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    24.09.2024 | First Annual UNIPRENEURS Meeting at the Barkhausen Institut

    On September 20, 2024, the first annual meeting of the UNIPRENEURS initiative took place at the Barkhausen Institut. Professors from across Germany, Saxony's Minister of Science Sebastian Gemkow, and TUD Rector Prof. Ursula Staudinger discussed how to promote entrepreneurship and technology transfer at universities.

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    13.09.2024 | Second major project meeting of CYMEDSEC

    On 11 September, the Barkhausen Institut participated in the second general-assembly meeting of the EU-funded project CYMEDSEC in Dresden. The project focuses on developing secure-by-design solutions for connected medical devices and enhancing secure architectures for medical applications.

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    11.09.2024 | International Conferences 2024: Showcasing the research of the BI

    Each year, our BI researchers take part in several international conferences to present their work on trustworthiness. These events provide a great opportunity for feedback, networking, and the open exchange of knowledge.

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    29.08.2024 | PRESS RELEASE: High-tech in Historic Gardens - A Robot will be Watering in Pillnitz soon

    On 28 August, the new watering robot at Pillnitz Palace Park was presented to the public for the first time. Developed by the Barkhausen Institut in cooperation with the Dresden University of Technology and the State Palaces, Castles and Gardens of Saxony, the robot is designed to help manage the increased irrigation requirements caused by climate change. Equipped with a 400-liter water tank and advanced sensors, the prototype assists gardeners in their work.

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    15.08.2024 | BI contributes to COREnext White Paper on Trustworthiness

    Dr.-Ing. Michael Roitzsch contributed to the white paper “Trustworthiness – The Key to Europe’s Digital Future” within project COREnext emphasizing the critical role of trust in Europe's digitalization. The paper explores essential technologies and strategies to sustain Europe's leadership in high-value consumer goods.

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    26.07.2024 | New Release: Hermes Py Mobility

    The latest version of HermesPy Mobility is here! This release brings exciting new features and improvements that simplify and optimize the use of wireless devices.

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    15.07.2024 | 6G-SENSES Project Explores 6G Connectivity with Radio Technologies

    The Barkhausen Institut is part of the 6G-SENSES project, which examines wireless technologies like cell-free mobile networks and JCAS (joint communication and sensing) to enhance 6G connectivity. Using reconfigurable intelligent surfaces and millimeter-wave antenna systems, the project focuses on improving energy efficiency and accurate environmental sensing.

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    08.07.2024 | Podcast with Prof. Gerhard Fettweis: How Mobile Technologies are Transforming Our Internet

    In the 50th episode of the Digital Pacemaker Podcast, Prof. Gerhard Fettweis discusses the next generation of mobile technologies with moderators Ulrich Irnich and Markus Kuckertz. The focus is on how to create a secure and trustworthy digital future.

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    19.06.2024 | BI again awarded family friendly certificate

    On 18 June 2024, the Barkhausen Institut was once again awarded the "audit berufundfamilie" certificate. Managing Director Dr. Tim Hentschel was delighted to accept the award for the Institute's family-conscious personnel policy and emphasised the BI's ongoing commitment to optimal working conditions.

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    22.05.2024 | BI campaigns for democracy in Dresden

    As part of the DRESDEN-concept research alliance, the BI is supporting the event "Together for Democracy - Dresden Science and Culture Invites You". On Saturday 25 May, together with numerous institutions in the city, we are setting an example for respect, diversity and cosmopolitanism and cordially invite all citizens to join us.

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    17.05.2024 | BI at Dresden Science Night 2024

    Dresden Science Night will take place this year on 14 June 2024 under the motto United by Science. The BI and the COSMO Science Forum will participate by organising a diverse programme at the Kulturpalast Dresden.

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    07.05.2024 | Demonstrating RATLS

    In the iNGENIOUS project, the Barkhausen Institut developed the RATLS protocol, which secures device communication and verifies the integrity of the software. In conjunction with a sensor built by NeuroControls, it ensures secure data transmission of railway damage reports. A film explains how it works using an interactive demonstrator.

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    30.04.2024 | BI at 6G Summit 2024

    Once again this year, BI is part of the 6G Summit in Dresden. The event is being held for the 9th time and offers scientists, industry associations and industry a place to exchange ideas.

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    17.04.2024 | Girls'Day 2024 at Barkhausen Institut

    Research adventure: On 25 April 2024, three female employees of BI will present their work at the COSMO Science Forum.

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    12.04.2024 | Annual Report 2023

    BI presents its first bilingual annual report, which provides an overview of developments in 2023.

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    21.03.2024 | Scientists at the EuroProofNet Tutorial at TU Dresden

    At the EuroProofNet Tutorial, TU Dresden, March 27-28, we present innovative research on secure communication protocols. We discuss TLS and Remote Attestation combinations for enhanced security and demonstrate formal verification using SSProve.

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    14.03.2024 | Saxony's Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow visits BI

    During his visit to the Barkhausen Institut, Saxony's Science Minister Sebastian Gemkow was given an insight into the institute's research into trustworthiness in the Internet of Things. He emphasised the importance of these research efforts for society as a whole and Saxony's role as a leading location for innovative technological developments.

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    14.03.2024 | How to keep vehicles on their lane

    Our BI-members James Ashgar, Paul Auerbach and Maximilian Matthé published a paper with colleague Carsten Knoll. This paper compares two different approaches on lane keeping by using model cars, which serves as a prerequisite for autonomous driving.

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    11.03.2024 | Science festival fun

    The Barkhausen Institut participated in the SPIN2030 Science Festival, bringing not only technological innovations but also addressing crucial topics such as data protection.

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    28.02.2024 | BI at Wissenschaftsfestival SPIN 2030

    Experience interactive gaming at the Airhockey table and solve tricky puzzles in the Escape Room with Dr. Data at the SPIN 2030 Science Festival on March 8th and 9th at the Technische Sammlungen Dresden!

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    26.01.2024 | Whole System Persistence - Power failure without data loss

    In their paper "An NVM Performance Study Towards Whole System Persistence on Server Platforms", our researchers Till Miemietz and Michael Roitzsch from the Composable Operating Systems group present a concept that makes it possible to interrupt the power supply to a computer without losing the current computing status.

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    22.01.2024 | New year, new Hermes version

    A new version of the Link-Level Wireless-Simulator HermesPy is now available with enhanced functions and major overhauls.

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    20.12.2023 | Happy Holidays and Season’s Greetings!

    As 2023 is coming to an end, we take a moment to look back on our shared journey.

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    14.12.2023 | Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fettweis becomes Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors

    Prof. Dr. Gerard Fettweis, BI’s Scientific Director and CEO, receives the prestigious honor of being named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, recognizing his outstanding contributions to innovation and the significant impact of his inventions on science and society.

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    06.12.2023 | PRESS RELEASE: Barkhausen Institut Relocates to Schweriner Straße

    BI moves to Schweriner Straße 1 in downtown Dresden to continue to grow, to collaborate and to research for a trustworthy and secure Internet of Things.

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    16.11.2023 | PRESS RELEASE: BI at Kick-off of CYMEDSEC project

    The kick-off in Berlin marked the start of the CYMEDSEC project, in which BI is further developing its secure-by-default computer architecture and operating-system platform for medical-device use cases.

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    06.11.2023 | BI participates at hub:disrupt 2023

    BI's data protection expert Dr. Stefan Köpsell will be offering a workshop on the topic of "trustworthiness" at the hub:disrupt event to mark the 5th anniversary of the Smart Systems Hub.

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    26.09.2023 | HermesPy: New release

    The latest version of HermesPy takes wireless communications research to the next level. This update includes important new features and much more.

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    11.09.2023 | BI hits the 1000 mark on LinkedIn followers

    BI's LinkedIn community experiences steady growth, fostering networking and collaboration.

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    08.09.2023 | PRESS RELEASE: Artificial Intelligence explained - New exhibition at the COSMO Science Forum in the Kulturpalast

    The new exhibition "Artificial Intelligence Explained" opened at the COSMO Science Forum in Dresden's Kulturpalast. On September 8, the official opening took place with numerous invited guests.

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    06.09.2023 | Prof. Gerhard Fettweis is winner of UNIPRENEURS Founder Award

    Founder and Managing Director of the Barkhausen Institut Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Gerhard Fettweis was awarded the prestigious UNIPRENEUR Founders Award on september 6, 2023.

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    03.08.2023 | iNGENIOUS project finalized

    After more than two years, the EU project iNGENIOUS has come to an end. On this occasion, our scientists Carsten Weinhold, Sebastian Haas and Nils Asmussen talked about their work in the project and how our results can be used in the future.

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    25.07.2023 | HiCONNECTS: Advancing IoT Solutions and Paving the Way for High-Automation Driving

    BI's research group RF Design Enablement started working on the project HiCONNECTS. The project aims to address key challenges in IoT data transmission and "Highly Automated Driving".

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    11.07.2023 | Driving the Revolution: Barkhausen Institut Innovates Secure Medical Technology in SEMECO Project

    BI drives secure medical technology advancements in the SEMECO project, with expertise in improved data transmission and secure system architectures. It actively engages in science communication, promoting understanding and public engagement in medical technology.

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    27.06.2023 | Dresdner Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften im COSMO Wissenschaftsforum

    Das BI freut sich auf die Dresdner Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften am 30.6.2023 im COSMO Wissenschaftsforum. Von 17 Uhr bis Mitternacht sind Besucher:innen herzlich willkommen, aktuelle Forschung zu entdecken und auszuprobieren.

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    15.06.2023 | BI beim Digitaltag im COSMO Wissenschaftsforum

    Am bundesweiten Digitaltag gibt es spannende Angebote zum Programmieren, inspirierende Vorträge und eine Diskussionsrunde über die Rolle von Robotern beim Umweltschutz im COSMO Wissenschaftsforum und im Foyer des Kulturpalast Dresden.

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    13.06.2023 | Trustworthiness through a 6G chip platform?

    Unveiling the future of 6G technology and robotics: Join Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fettweis as he discusses the industry and population opportunities of 6G and gives insight into the COREnext project and it's 6G chip platform at the Connect Conference in Dresden on June 14 to June 15.

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    07.06.2023 | Robot vs. Human - Who reacts faster?

    BI's scientists will be present at the Open Government Quarter 2023 at the Saxon State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism on June 11.

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    06.06.2023 | Join the Science Café at COSMO Science Forum

    The COSMO Science Forum and the Dresden City Libraries invite you to a Science Café with the topic "How can robots protect our environment?" on the Digital Day on June 16.

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    17.05.2023 | BI shows 2 interactive demonstrators at Dresden 6G Summit

    From May 9-10, the 6G Summit took place in Dresden. Scientists from BI presented their work and exchanged ideas with experts from all over the world.

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    27.04.2023 | The challenge of self-interference in the antenna domain

    Our researcher Merve Tascioglu Yalcinkaya has published a study analyzing techniques to reduce self-interference in in-band full-duplex operation.

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    24.04.2023 | Open Day at COSMO Wissenschaftsforum

    On April 29th the Kulturpalast Dresden invites to an Open Day. Also the COSMO Wissenschaftsforum participates with different actions and can be visited on this day starting at 10 am.

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    21.04.2023 | Girls'Day at COSMO Science Forum

    BI will participate in Girls' Day 2023 at the COSMO Science Forum on April 27 with the workshop "How much energy do Google, Youtube and Co. consume?".

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    11.04.2023 | A.I. and data - a short film

    Employees of the BI have joined forces and made a short film. The film explains how artificial intelligence works and how important data is in this process.

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    23.03.2023 | Kick-Off of the EU Project COREnext

    In January, the new Horizon Europe project COREnext started. It aims to build a computing architecture and components for sustainable and trustworthy B5G and 6G processing. The first kick-off-meeting was organized by Barkhausen Institut and took place in Dresden.

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    15.03.2023 | Simulator of watering robot at COSMO Science Forum

    Barkhausen Institut presents a simulation of a watering robot in the new exhibition on the topic of "Sustainability" in the COSMO Science Forum. Visitors can control it indirectly and explore how the robot perceives its environment.

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    10.03.2023 | Exhibition "Sustainability" opens at the COSMO Science Forum

    The COSMO Science Forum will host the launch event of the new exhibition on the topic of "Sustainability" on March 15, 2023 at 5 pm. The topics range from biodiversity, climate change and environmental protection to recycling, sustainable urban development, education, agriculture and nutrition.

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    07.03.2023 | Science Comics – A suitable format for science communication?

    To find out how science comics are perceived by young people as a means of conveying knowledge, we asked them about their opinion in the Central Library at Kulturpalast Dresden. This insight was very important for us in terms of deciding whether science comics should continue to play a role in our science communication in the future.

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    03.03.2023 | New project: 6G-ICAS4Mobility - How to combine communication and radar?

    Our research groups "Wireless Connectivity" and "Secure and Privacy-Respecting Data Processing" started working on the BMBF funded project "6G-ICAS4Mobility". The goal is to combine communication and radar and integrate them into a common system for the future 6G mobile communications standard.

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    23.02.2023 | BI-Team CoRoLa develops own Motor-Controller

    The team of our Connected Robotics Lab built their own BLDC-Controller with all the features they needed for their specific use case.

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    10.02.2023 | International Day of Women and Girls in Science

    February 11 is International Day of Women and Girls in Science. On this occasion we conducted an interview with our new scientist Nilanjana Das. There she shares her inspiring career journey and motivation for science.

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    06.02.2023 | New project: MICRO COSMOS – A Programming Model and Compiler for Cloud Microservices

    Our research group "Composable Operating Systems" just started their work on the new project MICRO COSMOS. Their goal is to create a compiler that developers can use to translate sequential programs into cloud programs for a cloud of choice.

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    30.01.2023 | BI at SPIN2030 launch event

    On February 3, 2023, Barkhausen Institut will present itself at the launch event for SPIN2030 at the conference center Kongresshalle am Zoo Leipzig.

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    26.01.2023 | New project: KOMSENS-6G

    Our research groups RF Design Enablement and Secure and Privacy-Respecting Data Processing just started working on the new project KOMSENS-6G. The goal of the project is to add another core functionality to the 6th generation (6G) mobile communications system: radio sensing.

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    24.01.2023 | Watering Robot or Root Cutting Robot? Making the Decision

    In our project „Climate Change in Historic Gardens” we are working on a semi-autonomous robot to support the gardeners in their daily work in the Pillnitz Palace Park. At the beginning of the project, it had to be decided in which area of work such a robot could be employed most usefully.

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    18.01.2023 | New Project: M/EDGE - Secure Low-Power Medical Edge Computing

    On January 11, 2023, the kick-off meeting for our new project "M/EDGE - Secure Low-Power Medical Edge Computing" took place. The project explores computing technology in the medical field.

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    16.01.2023 | YOU ASK WE ANSWER - Berührungsängste in der Medizin

    Am 18. Januar 2023 startet auf der Roten Bühne im Foyer des Kulturpalastes Dresden die neue Podcastreihe zu Berührungsängsten in der Medizin.

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    13.01.2023 | Interactive Exhibit 'Remote Attestation' at COSMO Wissenschaftsforum

    At the COSMO Science Forum, visitors can explore the interactive exhibit "Remote Attestation" to learn how security in Internet communication can be increased.

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    10.01.2023 | New Dialogue Format "101 Questions" at COSMO Science Forum

    We start with the new dialogue format "101 Questions" in the COSMO Science Forum at the Kulturpalast Dresden. On every scheduled date, there will be a specific question that visitors can use to exchange ideas with our scientists. On Jan. 10th we start with: "Can cars really talk to each other?"

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    12.12.2022 | Final Presentation of the Project " 5G Lab Germany - Forschungsfeld Lausitz"

    On December 13, 2022, the Barkhausen Institut and its Partners will present their final research results of the project ”5G Lab Germany – “Forschungsfeld Lausitz” (Research field Lusatia region) on the premises of the Fraunhofer IVI.

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    09.12.2022 | Project "5G Lab Germany Forschungsfeld Lausitz" finalized

    The BI concludes the project "5G Lab Germany Forschungsfeld Lausitz" with important contributions to improve the trustworthiness of teleoperated or connected driving.

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    28.11.2022 | Checker-Fragenshow für Kinder im Kulturpalast am 30.11.2022

    In Kooperation mit dem COSMO Wissenschaftsforum des Barkhausen Instituts, der Dresdner Philharmonie und den Städtischen Bibliotheken lädt das Projekt "POP-UP-WISSEN – Wissen schafft Dialog" Kinder ein, ihre Fragen an die Wissenschaft zu stellen. Mit dabei ist ein berühmtes Gesicht vom Kinderkanal: Can Mansuroglu, Kinder kennen ihn auch als „Checker Can“.

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    17.11.2022 | BI is part of Hexa-X-II, the second phase of the European 6G flagship initiative

    The Barkhausen Institut brings its vision into the Hexa-X-II project of making trustworthiness a requirement and taken for granted in the 6G-enabled Internet of Things.

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    10.11.2022 | Visit of the Girls' Day Academy

    The Girls' Day Academy Dresden visited BI to discover the professional field of Science Communication.

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    04.11.2022 | Data Security by Modularization - An Animated Explanatory Film

    What actually happens inside a smartphone when it receives a message? And why can cat pictures be dangerous? We developed an explanatory film in which animated robots illustrate how the software in our smartphones works.

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    19.10.2022 | COSMO Science Forum - A Roadmap on Upcoming Topics

    In the coming months visitors at COSMO can explore a variety of topics. An exciting program for people of all ages is being developed in cooperation with partners from from DRESDEN-concept.

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    11.10.2022 | IntelliLung - Secure Communication for Anesthetists

    The Barkhausen Institut has developed working prototypes that ensure secure and trustworthy radio communication between patient monitoring devices.

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    28.09.2022 | Press Release: COSMO - Inauguration of the Science Forum in the Dresden Kulturpalast

    COSMO - The Science Forum at the Dresden Kulturpalast is now open to the public. COSMO was opened on September 28, 2022 with about 70 guests in attendance. From October 4, you can visit the Science Forum from Tuesday through Thursday from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm.

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    20.09.2022 | Eröffnung des Wissenschaftsforums im Kulturpalast Dresden

    Das Barkhausen Institut und das Department for Speculative Transformation eröffnen das Wissenschaftsforum im Kulturpalast Dresden am Mittwoch, den 28. September 2022. Zu dieser Feierlichkeit können eingeladene Gäste die Räumlichkeiten noch vor der Öffnung für das Publikum am 04.10.2022 kennenlernen und erkunden.

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    13.09.2022 | Science Communication with Science Comics

    BI and students of the Institute of Media and Communication at TU Dresden have developed science comics in a seminar. In them, they explore BI's research projects and innovations to highlight the opportunities and challenges of the digital world.

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    24.08.2022 | Workshops im Wissenschaftsforum im Kulturpalast

    Das Barkhausen Institut bietet im neuen Wissenschaftsforum im Kulturpalast einmal pro Woche verschiedene Workshops für Jugendliche ab der neunten Klasse an. Spielerisch können sie in die Welt der Programmierung und IT-Sicherheit einsteigen und selbst aktiv werden.

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    07.08.2022 | Panel Discussion on Data Security and Data Protection now on YouTube

    The panel discussion held in May at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum in Dresden with Stefan Köpsell, our expert on data security and data protection, is now available online.

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    21.07.2022 | SEMECO wins BMBF Clusters4Future competition

    BI is a partner in the future cluster SEMECO, which is one of the winners of the second round of the BMBF Clusters4Future competition. It aims to revolutionize traditional approval processes for medical technology with new approaches to system solutions.

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    20.07.2022 | Release of COREnect Industry Roadmap

    BI participated at the COREnect consortium (European Core Technologies for future connectivity systems and components) and announces the release of the final ‘COREnect Industry Roadmap’. It provides detailed insights on strategic actions required to achieve European leadership in microelectronics and connectivity within the next 10 years, towards the development of 6G.

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    24.06.2022 | Exhibition Queens of Structure

    From June 15 to July 15, the traveling exhibition "Queens of Structure" shows the achievements of influential female civil engineers from the past and present in front of the Kulturpalast Dresden. The 4-week exhibition is accompanied by several events.

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    23.06.2022 | Securing IoT devices with open-source hardware and software

    BI-Members Sebastian Haas and Nils Asmussen have published a guest article in HiPEAC Magazine about ways to secure IoT-devices by means of specific hardware- and software-solutions.

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    15.06.2022 | Latest version of HermesPy

    We added new features to HermesPy, our link-level wireless simulator. The new version is an even more powerful tool for the investigation of 5G and 6G wireless systems.

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    01.06.2022 | FJN at the Barkhausen Institut

    As of September 2020, the Barkhausen Institut offers a Voluntary Social Year in Science, Technology and Sustainability (FJN). We took the upcoming departure of our current FJN student Jan Bersheim as an opportunity to do an interview with him on his personal experience at the BI.

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    10.05.2022 | BI at IEEE 5G++ Summit Dresden

    On May 12, 2022, the 7th IEEE 5G++ Summit Dresden will take place at Messe Dresden under the motto ”Towards 6G.” The Barkhausen Institut will also run a booth at the associated exhibition.

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    05.05.2022 | BI at the Open House of the Kulturpalast Dresden

    The Kulturpalast Dresden celebrates 5 years of its reopening and we will join the celebration! For the open day on 7 May, visitors can experience science from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the foyer of the prominent building.

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    03.05.2022 | The BI at the Science Café 'Artificial Intelligence' at DHMD

    On 5 May 2022 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., our scientist Joshwa Pohlmann will discuss the topic of 'Artificial Intelligence' together with citizens and researchers from Dresden at the Science Café of the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Dresden.

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    08.04.2022 | BI speaking at IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference

    Barkhausen Institut executives are speaking at this year's WCNC. The conference connects professionals worldwide from the wireless research, technology, and industry sectors. It convenes in Austin, Texas from 10-13 April 2022.

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    05.04.2022 | Visiting Professorship for Gerhard Fettweis at King's College London

    Professor Gerhard Fettweis, founder and managing director of the Barkhausen Institut, has been awarded a visiting professorship at King's College London.

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    01.04.2022 | Girls'Day 2022 - Hacke dich in die vernetzte Welt

    Am 28. April 2022 ist es wieder so weit: Das Barkhausen Institut öffnet die Türen für Schülerinnen und zeigt, dass Informatik nicht nur etwas für Jungs ist.

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    22.03.2022 | Dresden Excellence Award goes to Andrey Ruzhanskiy

    Andrey Ruzhanskiy, research associate and PhD student at Barkhausen Institut, was awarded the Dresden Excellence Award by Mayor Dirk Hilbert on 19 March 2022.

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    08.03.2022 | Efficient and scalable Core-Multiplexing with M³v

    The BI research groups "Modular Operating Systems" and "Scalable Hardware Platforms" have collaborated on a paper, which introduces the efficient and scalable core multiplexing concept of M³v.

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    02.03.2022 | Statement on the situation in Ukraine

    Die Wissenschaft lebt vom Freiheitsgedanken, vom Dialog, dem Diskurs um Ideen und dem internationalen Austausch.

    Science depends on the idea of freedom, on dialogue, on the discourse on ideas, and on international exchange.

    Наука процвітає на ідеях свободи, діалогу, дискурсу думок та міжнародного обміну.

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    24.02.2022 | ASPLOS Conference 2022

    The BI presents new research at the 27th ASPLOS Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, from Feb. 28 to March 04, 2022.

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    22.02.2022 | Modular platform for secure real-time radio

    Bi is researching the integration of a modular operating system and a software-defined radio on embedded hardware with its partner Genode Labs GmbH.

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    09.02.2022 | Job Shadowing for Career Starters - A Podcast with BI Scientists

    In two podcast episodes our scientists tell Ariana Kravchuk from TU Dresden how they became researchers and offer interesting insights for students and career starters.

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    07.02.2022 | 2nd IEEE International Hybrid Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing

    The BI is co-organizing the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Joint Communications & Sensing.
    The symposium, that brings together academic and industrial experts from both the radar and communications research communities, comes as an hybrid event this year.

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    06.01.2022 | HW/SW Design Challenges for Secure Computing Platforms

    In a talk at the HiPEAC Computing Systems Week 2021 in Lyon, Dr. Sebastian Haas and Dr. Nils Asmussen from the Barkhausen Institut presented design challenges and the current research on security concepts at the hardware and software level in today’s computing platforms.

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    05.01.2022 | Is Europe ready for a fully connected and intelligent world?

    As part of the “COREnect” (European Core Technologies for future connectivity systems and components) consortium the Barkhausen Institut is glad to announce the release of the White Paper: “Passive user or innovative driver? Europe's future role in microelectronics and connectivity”.
    The intention is to showcase how the mobile connectivity revolution will affect existing industrial ecosystems and prepare Europe for future challenges.

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    08.12.2021 | 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G. And now?

    In a press conference of the VDE on 06.12.2021, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Fettweis, spokesman of the VDE/ITG Focus Group on Mobile Communications, Managing Director of the Barkhausen Institute and Professor of Mobile Communication Systems at the Technical University of Dresden, and Prof. Dr. Hans Dieter Schotten, Member of the Presidium of the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (VDE) and Scientific Director of the Research Field Intelligent Networks at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), presented the new VDE position paper Joint Communication & Sensing. Joint Radio Communication and Sensing.

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    08.12.2021 | 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G. And now?

    The Barkhausen Institut contributed to the new VDE White Paper "Joint Communications &
    Sensing. Common Radio-Communications and sensor technology".
    The paper clarifies in detail the challenges that JC & S poses to science, business and also society. At the same time, it provides concrete recommendations for action on how Germany can take the step toward a leading position in 6G with the help of Joint Communication & Sensing.

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    22.11.2021 | O-RAN Studie zur 5G Sicherheit

    Das Barkhausen Institut arbeitete gemeinsam mit Advancing Individual Networks GmbH aus Dresden und mit Unterstützung der secunet Security an einer durch das Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik beauftragten Studie zur Sicherheit von 5G Mobilfunk.

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    28.10.2021 | Ein Roboter für den Großen Garten?

    Die grünen Lungen der Stadt, die städtischen Parkanlagen, sind zunehmend vom Klimawandel bedroht. Gemeinsam mit der Staatlichen Schlösser, Burgen und Gärten Sachsen gGmbH will das Barkhausen Institut einen automatisierten Gartenroboter entwickeln, der die Situation verbessern soll. Doch was bedeutet eine solche technologische Entwicklung? Wer ist davon betroffen? Welche Möglichkeiten und Risiken sind mit der Nutzung eines solchen Roboters in den städt. Parkanlagen verbunden.
    Bei unserer Online-Bürgerdiskussion am 8.12.21 interessiert uns Ihre Meinung - noch bevor die Entwicklung beginnt.

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    25.10.2021 | Escape Room: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit

    Künstliche Intelligenz lebt längst unter uns. Doch was bedeutet dies für unsere Gesellschaft? Das KI-Festival des Deutschen Hygiene-Museums Dresden vom 12.-14.11.21 bietet ein vielfältiges Angebot aus Workshops, Debatten und Kultur, um dieser Frage nachzugehen. Das Barkhausen Institut beteiligt sich mit dem Escape Room: Datenschutz und Datensicherheit.

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    21.10.2021 | Maschinen lernen Menschheitsträume

    Ab dem 6. November ermöglicht die Ausstellung "Künstliche Intelligenz - Maschinen lernen Menschheitsträume" des Deutschen Hygiene Museums Dresden einen differenzierten Einblick in den aktuellen Entwicklungsstand von KI und unseren Umgang mit ihr. Eigens für die Ausstellung hat das Barkhausen Institut ein interaktives Exponat entwickelt.

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    07.10.2021 | Exzellent. Dresden forscht: 5G - Mobilfunk mit Tradition

    Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "Exzellent. Dresden forscht" spricht Prof. Gerhard Fettweis über die Entstehungsgeschichte von 5G. Bei dieser gemeinsamen Veranstaltung mit der Volkshochschule Dresden und der TU Dresden laden wir interessierte Bürger:innen zu uns an das Barkhausen Institut ein.

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    08.09.2021 | Science Date: Ein Date mit der Wissenschaft

    Ein neues Dialogformat im Rahmen der SCHAUFENSTER DER FORSCHUNG gibt Bürgerinnen und Bürgern die Möglichkeit Eins-zu-Eins mit den Wissenschaftler:innen des Barkhausen Instituts ins gespräch zu kommen - ohne Bühne, ohne Publikum, ohne Vorbehalte dafür auf Augenhöhe und mit viel Freude am Austausch.

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    13.07.2021 | Future starts now - IoT meets culture

    Connected things will change many areas of our lives and also offer new opportunities for creative workers and artists. To explore the exciting connection between IoT and culture in more detail, we have developed explanatory videos together with students of cultural management at the HTW Saar.

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    02.07.2021 | Dresden Long Night of Science 2021

    We cordially invite all citizens to discover the connected world with us. For the 18th Dresden Long Night of Science on 9 July, we will open our digital rooms.

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    22.06.2021 | Nachhaltig personalbewusst

    Unsere strategisch angelegte familien- und lebensphasenbewusste Personalpolitik ist mit dem Zertifikat zum audit berufundfamilie geehrt worden. Zu den Gratulant:innen beim Online-Event zählt auch Bundesfamilienministerin Christine Lambrecht.

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    03.06.2021 | Wirkung Hoch 100 – OpenLab erreicht nächste Runde

    Die Ideen des OpenLabs am Barkhausen Institut für eine erfolgreiche "Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft" haben den Stifterverband in der ersten Phase der Jubiläumsinitiative "Wirkung Hoch 100" überzeugt. Nun geht es für uns in die nächste Runde.

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    27.05.2021 | HermesPy Release May 2021

    With its newest release HermesPy, our open-source link-level-simulator, becomes ready for 5G applications.

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    20.05.2021 | 6G follows on 5G

    A guest article from Prof. Gerhard Fettweis and Dr. Tim Hentschel published in the newspaper “Sächsische Zeitung” explains, why it is important to start researching on 6G right now.

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    21.04.2021 | VTC-Spring 2021

    The spring edition of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference on 25 - 28 April 2021 will bring together experts from academia and industry. The event will feature a keynote talk of Prof. Gerhard Fettweis on 6G.

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    12.04.2021 | Girl´s Day 2021

    Mit dem digitalen Girl´s Day am 22. April möchten wir gemeinsam auf Entdeckungsreise gehen und Mädchen zeigen, wie sie an den Technologien von morgen forschen können.

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    29.03.2021 | How the wind blows

    An innovative idea of BI visiting professor Heinrich Meyr makes a leap from research into industrial production and will make gliding safer. Soon the HAWK could be among the basic equipments needed by every ambitious glider pilot.

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    18.02.2021 | Was nützt uns 5G?

    Prof. Gerhard Fettweis und Dr. Tim Hentschel, die Geschäftsführer des Barkhausen Instituts, erklären in einem Gastbeitrag der Sächsischen Zeitung, warum nicht nur die Industrie 5G braucht.

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    16.02.2021 | European Semi Award honors Prof. Fettweis for chip industry contributions

    Prof. Gerhard Fettweis, Managing Director of Barkhausen Institut, has won the 2019 European SEMI Award at the SEMI Technology Unites Global Summit for pivotal contributions in the fields of telecommunications and nanotechnology.

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    12.02.2021 | Industrial Internet of Things

    Prof. Gerhard Fettweis, Managing Director of the Barkhausen Institut, has published an article on the limitations of 5G for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) on Industry Week.

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    21.01.2021 | Corenect first deliverables

    COREnect announced the finalization and submission of the first series of public deliverables.

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    21.12.2020 | Dissertationspreis Asmussen

    Dr. Nils Asmussen, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der BI-Forschungsgruppe Modulare Betriebssysteme, wurde im Dezember 2020 mit dem 3m5. Excellence Award ausgezeichnet.

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    15.12.2020 | IoT-Sicherheit: Ein holistischer Ansatz ist notwendig

    Dr. Stefan Köpsell, der Leiter der BI-Forschungsgruppe "Datenschutzgerechte und sichere Datenverarbeitung", zeigt in einem Gastbeitrag für den Smart Systems Hub die Notwendigkeit von starken IT-Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im IoT-Bereich auf.

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    11.12.2020 | BI besonders familienfreundlich

    Am Barkhausen Institut lassen sich Familie und Karriere besonders gut vereinbaren. Dies wurde nun durch die berufundfamilie gGmbH der gemeinnützigen Hertie-Stiftung offiziell bestätigt.

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    10.12.2020 | Corona-Warn-Buzzer im Feldversuch

    Im sächsischen Augustusburg wird während der Entwicklungsphase eine größere Anzahl von Prototypen der Corona-Warn-Buzzer unter realen Bedingungen mit maximal 2.500 Teilnehmern getestet. Gesundheitsministerin Petra Köpping stellte heute gemeinsam mit Partnerinnen und Partnern das Projekt vor. /// Pressemitteilung des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Soziales und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt.

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    20.11.2020 | Time Delay Software Development

    The BI research group „Connected Robotics Lab“ (CoRoLa) submitted a new paper, which evaluates latencies entailed by the prominent software development framework (ROS) for connected robotics.

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    13.11.2020 | BI participates in Webinar on Localization and Sensing for 6G

    The BI will participate in the webinar on Localization and Sensing for 6G on November 18th, 2020, as part of the 6G research Visions Webinar Series.

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    09.11.2020 | OpenLab vom Stifterverband ausgewählt

    Das OpenLab des Barkhausen Instituts wurde im Rahmen der Initiative "Wirkung hoch 100" ausgewählt. Der Stifterverband fördert mit seiner Jubiläumsinitiative 100 Ideen für das Bildungs-, Wissenschafts- und Innovationssystem von morgen.

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    02.11.2020 | BI organizes JC&S Symposium

    The Barkhausen Institut, 5G Lab Germany, TU Dresden, and IEEE ComSoc are organizing the 1st IEEE online Symposium on Joint Communications and Sensing (JC&S) on February 23-24, 2021. It will bring together academic and industrial experts from both the radar and communications research communities.

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    29.10.2020 | Corona-Warn-Buzzer - BI develops Tracing without App

    The Corona Warning Buzzer makes the smartphone redundant when tracking corona infection chains. This offers a safe alternative to the app, especially for children and seniors. The test run will begin in Augustusburg in November.

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    26.10.2020 | iNGENIOUS project starts in October 2020

    Starting in October 2020, an international group of researchers will investigate how the Internet of Things can make supply chains more efficient and secure. The Barkhausen Institute is playing a key role in the iNGENIOUS project.

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    23.10.2020 | DRESDEN-concept Wissenschaftsausstellung

    Zum 10-jährigen Jubiläum haben die DRESDEN-concept-Partner gemeinsam eine Wissenschaftsausstellung entworfen. Noch bis zum 31. Oktober 2020 können die Besucher*innen auf dem Vorplatz des Kulturpalastes Dresden entdecken, wie Forschungsprojekte und Innovationen aus Dresden unsere Zukunft mitgestalten werden.

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    20.10.2020 | Efficient communication for chirp-based systems

    The BI Research Group Wireless Communication has published a new paper. We briefly present the most important findings.

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    12.10.2020 | BI ist ETSI-Mitglied

    Das Barkhausen Institut gehört seit September der ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) an. Die ETSI ist als europäische Normungsorganisation anerkannt, die sich mit Telekommunikations-, Rundfunk- und anderen elektronischen Kommunikationsnetzen und -diensten befasst.

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    25.09.2020 | BI nimmt am IEEE 5G Online Summit teil

    Das Barkhausen Institut nimmt vom 29.09. bis 1.10.2020 am IEEE 5G Online-Summit teil und präsentiert die Arbeitsweise des Connected Robotics Labors. Eine Anmeldung ist kostenfrei möglich auf der Website des Summits.

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    11.09.2020 | Eröffnung der Ausstellung Schaufenster der Forschung

    Ab dem 12. September 2020 zeigen die Technischen Sammlungen Spitzenforschung aus Dresden. Eine Ausstellung in Kooperation mit dem Barkhausen Institut und dem Exzellenzcluster "Komplexität und Topologie in Quantenmaterialien" (ct.qmat) sowie DRESDEN-concept und der Landeshauptstadt Dresden.

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    02.07.2020 | New 6G White Paper on Localization and Sensing

    Our Groupleader of Wireless Connectivity Dr. André Noll Barreto is co-author of a new 6G White Paper on Localization and Sensing. You want to find out more? We have a short summary for you!

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    01.07.2020 | Promotionspreise für Dr. Nils Asmussen

    Dr. Nils Asmussen hat für seine Promotion zum Thema „A New System Architecture for Heterogeneous Compute Units“ zwei Promotionspreise erhalten: Eine Honorable Mention für den Roger Needham PhD Award und den Promotionspreis der Gesellschaft für Informatik.

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    01.07.2020 | BI part of COREnect project

    The “COREnect” (European Core Technologies for future connectivity systems and components) consortium is glad to announce that its project has been selected by the European Commission in the frame of the Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme. During this 2-year Coordination and Support Action project starting on 1st July 2020, European industry and R&D leaders from both the microelectronics and telecommunications sectors will jointly develop a high-level strategic roadmap of core technologies for future connectivity systems and components, targeting the next generation telecommunications networks and services.

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    19.06.2020 | Digitaltag 2020

    Zum ersten Digitaltag am 19. Juni 2020 lädt das Barkhausen Institut zum digitalen Dialog "To track or not to track — Datenschutz in Zeiten von Stop-Corona-Apps" ein.

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    11.06.2020 | Online-Live-Debatte "Corona-App: Schöne neue Datenwelt?"

    Das Barkhausen Institut beteiligt sich am 11. und 12. Juni 2020 von jeweils 19:00 bis 20:30 Uhr an der Debatte "Corona-App: Schöne neue Datenwelt?" der Sächsischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. Die Online-Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen der Disskussionsreihe "Aus der Krise lernen? Offene Gesellschaft in der Post-Corona-Phase" statt.

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    12.05.2020 | Podcast zu Contact Tracing Apps

    Verschiedene Mitarbeiter des Barkhausen Instituts arbeiten derzeit am PEPP-PT-Projekt zur Entwicklung einer Applikation zur Ermittlung von Kontaktpersonen im Kontext von Corona. Über den aktuellen Stand der Entwicklung berichten sie regelmäßig in unterschiedlichen Podcasts.

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    20.04.2020 | Gastbeitrag

    Die Atlantik-Brücke veröffentlicht einen Gastbeitrag des Barkhausen Instituts mit dem Titel "Das neue Internet muss aus Ankern des Vertrauens bestehen".

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    01.04.2020 | BI ist Mitglied der PEPP-PT Initiative

    Das Barkhausen-Institut ist stolz darauf, Mitglied und Mitwirkender der europäischen Initiative Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (PEPP-PT) zu sein. PEPP-PT ist so konzipiert, dass es als Kontaktverfolgungsfunktion in nationale Corona-Handy-Apps eingebunden werden kann und die Integration in die Prozesse der nationalen Gesundheitsdienste ermöglicht.

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    30.03.2020 | FSJ in der Wissenschaft

    Ab dem 1.09.2020 bietet das Barkhausen Institut eine Stelle (m/w/d) für ein Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr in Wissenschaft Technik und Nachhaltigkeit (FJN) und damit Einblicke in unser Open Lab und unser Labor für vernetzte Robotik an.

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    06.12.2019 | Schwarzmarkt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen zum Thema KÜNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ

    Das BI nimmt am Schwarzmarkt für nützliches Wissen und Nicht-Wissen zum Thema Künstliche Intelligenz am 6.12.2019 im Deutschen Hygiene Museum Dresden teil. Teilnehmer*innen können dort in 30-minütigen Vieraugengesprächen in direkten Austausch mit Experten kommen.

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    30.09.2019 | Barkhausen Institut präsentiert „sprechendes Radar“ bei IEEE 5G Konferenz in Dresden

    Das Barkhausen Institut präsentiert vom 30.09. bis 2.10.2019 die neue interaktive Installation „sprechendes Radar“ im Rahmen der Fachkonferenzen IEEE 5G World Forum und IEEE 5G Summit im Internationalen Congress Center Dresden.

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    23.09.2019 | DDc Science Tram am 8.10.2019: Datenschutz, Internet der Dinge und Computerspiele – von damals bis übermorgen

    Steigen Sie am 08.10.2019 um 17:00 Uhr in die DRESDEN-concept Science Tram (Abfahrt: Straßburger Platz, Haltestelle der Linie 10 in Richtung Messe) und stellen Sie Wissenschaftlern des Barkhausen Instituts, des Exzellenzclusters Center for Tactile Internet, des Forschungsclusters Center for Advancing Electronics und der Technischen Sammlungen Dresden Ihre Fragen zum Thema Internet der Dinge.

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    28.08.2019 | Exzellente Köpfe brauchen kluge Entscheidungen

    Am 1. September haben die Bürger Sachsens das demokratisch verbriefte Recht, einen neuen Landtag zu wählen und damit über die Zukunft des Freistaates zu entscheiden. Seit heute rufen die 28 Partner der Forschungsallianz DRESDEN-concept (DDc) mittels eines Banners im Hauptbahnhof Dresden zur Wahlbeteiligung auf: „Exzellente Köpfe brauchen kluge Entscheidungen“ lautet der Slogan auf dem Banner, der mit den Hashtags „gehtwaehlen“ und „ExzellenzstadtDresden“ versehen ist.

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    19.07.2019 | TU Dresden bleibt Exzellenzuniversität

    Die TU Dresden wird dauerhaft als Exzellenzuniversität gefördert! Sie ist damit eine der insgesamt 11 Exzellenzuniversitäten in Deutschland und die einzige Exzellenzuniversität in den ostdeutschen Flächenländern.

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    09.07.2019 | DRESDEN-concept: Demokratie ist ein wertvolles Gut, welches es zu schützen gilt!

    Die Partnereinrichtungen des DRESDEN-concept e. V. haben sich bei zahlreichen Anlässen in den letzten Jahren nachdrücklich für Weltoffenheit und Toleranz, Menschlichkeit und Respekt ausgesprochen und eingesetzt. Diese Grundwerte des Miteinanders einer demokratischen Gesellschaft sind zugleich unverzichtbare Grundlage für Spitzenleistungen in Forschung und Lehre.

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    05.07.2019 | Prof. Fettweis in DFG-Senat gewählt

    Der Geschäftsführer des Barkhausen Instituts wurde in den Senat der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) gewählt. Die DFG ist die größte Forschungsförderorganisation und zentrale Selbstverwaltungseinrichtung der Wissenschaft in Deutschland.

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    14.06.2019 | Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften

    Erleben Sie die Forschungsthemen des Barkhausen Instituts live in der Würzburger Str. 46.

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    13.06.2019 | Mondrian Projektion erleben

    Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage am 09.05.2019 bieten wir im Zeitraum vom 13. bis 27.06.2019 für Interessierte weitere Besichtigungstermine für die interaktive 360°-Raumprojektion nach Piet Mondrians Entwurf an.

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    09.05.2019 | 18:30 Uhr: „Technologie bewegt Kunst und Geschichte in der Villa Bienert“ - eine einmalige Veranstaltung

    Anlässlich des 100-jährigen Jubiläums der Gründung des Bauhauses schlagen wir eine Brücke von 1919 bis 2019: zwischen der Entstehung neuer Lebenskonzepte Anfang des vorigen Jahrhunderts und der gegenwärtigen Entwicklung der IoT-Technologie für modernes Wohnen im Smarthome, über das wir forschen.

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    07.03.2019 | Eröffnung des Barkhausen Instituts am 7.03.2019

    Am 7. März 2019 wird das Barkhausen Institut feierlich eröffnet. Zur Veranstaltung werden Dr. Eva-Maria Stange, Staatsministerin für Wissenschaft und Kunst im Freistaat Sachsen, Prof. Dr. Hans-Müller Steinhagen, Rektor der Technischen Universität Dresden, und Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fettweis, Geschäftsführer des Barkhausen Instituts, sprechen. An die Grußworte schließen sich Fachvorträge zu aktuellen Herausforderungen der Forschung zum Internet der Dinge.

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    01.08.2018 | Barkhausen Institut Mitglied von DRESDEN-concept

    Seit dem 1. August 2018 ist es amtlich – das Barkhausen Institut ist Nummer 28 der Mitglieder im Verbund DRESDEN-concept. Das von Prof. Gerhard Fettweis geleitete Institut arbeitet bereits stark mit der TU Dresden und dem Vodafone Stiftungslehrstuhl für Mobile Kommunikationssysteme der TU Dresden zusammen und ist Teil des sächsischen „Smart Systems Hub“.

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