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Barkhausen Institut

Organizational Culture

Guidelines for ensuring good scientific practice

Good scientific practice includes a set of ethical and methodological guidelines and standards that form the basis for respectful interaction in the scientific world. It requires behaving honestly with regard to one's own and others' contributions, critically questioning one's own and others' results, and seeking and promoting discourse with the scientific community.  It thus ensures the credibility not only of individual researchers, but also the trust of the public and the broader scientific community in the integrity of scientific research.

In implementing good scientific practice, the Barkhausen Institute follows the recommendations of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and its code of conduct "Guidelines for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice" (Code, DFG 2019). As an affiliated institute of the Dresden University of Technology (TUD), it adopts its implementation of guidelines 1-17 of the DFG Code of Conduct within TUD's framework "Statutes for Ensuring Good Scientific Practice, Avoiding Scientific Misconduct, and Handling Violations" (Statutes, TUD 2022). In addition, the Barkhausen Institute has adopted its own rules of procedure in cases of suspected scientific misconduct, which take into account the DFG's Code Guidelines 18 and 19. (Rules of Procedure, BI 2021)

The ombudsperson of the TUD is available to the staff of the Barkhausen Institute as a contact person for all suspected cases of academic misconduct. As an independent and neutral point of contact, the ombudsperson accepts enquiries while maintaining confidentiality.

Prof. Dr. Alexander Kemnitz
+49 351 463-37548

Equal Opportunities

At the Barkhausen Institut, gender equality constitutes a vital aspect of the institute’s culture. Particular attention is paid to equal opportunities in recruitment and promotion of young scientists. The BI Gender Equality Plan, which was published for the first time in 2022, encompasses three sustainable and goal-oriented strategies, which form the basis of an action plan to increase gender equality:

  • Retaining the female scientists at BI;
  • Recruiting more women;
  • Increasing the pool of women in engineering science.

At the same time, the BI Gender Equality Plan serves as a tool to monitor ourselves.