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Barkhausen Institut

Composable Operating Systems

Wir bauen ein sicheres Betriebssystem auf Basis einer Mikrokernarchitektur, um die Komplexität zu reduzieren und die Komponentenisolation zu maximieren. Im Sinne des Prinzips der Modularisierung von Hard- und Software besteht unser System aus kleinen Bausteinen, die in einem verteilten Anwendungsfall sicher zusammenarbeiten. Wir entwickeln unser Betriebssystem gemeinsam mit den Gruppen Scalable Computing Hardware und RF Design Enablement, um Plattform- und Netzwerksicherheitsprobleme zu lösen. Die Gruppe Composable Operating Systems liefert die wesentlichen Bausteine, aus denen kundenspezifische Systeme für IoT-Anwendungsfälle aufgebaut werden können.


Vom Simulator zur Hardware

Wir arbeiten eng mit dem Team von Scalable Computing Hardware zusammen, um unser Betriebssystem von einem Software-basierten Simulator auf echte Hardware zu bringen. Dazu synthetisieren wir die Hardware-Bausteine des MPSoC in einem FPGA-Chip, was es uns erlaubt das Hardware-Design zu evaluieren und die Interaktion mit unserem Betriebssystem zu testen. Am Ende soll unser Betriebssystem und Anwendungen auf einem echten System-on-Chip laufen.

Kosten versus Sicherheit

Sicherheit hat ihren Preis. Beispielsweise werden zusätzliche Ressourcen benötigt um Komponenten auf verschiedenen Cores ausführen zu können. Wir untersuchen daher wie exklusive und geteilte Nutzung von Ressourcen mit den gleichen Mechanismen ermöglicht werden kann, so dass Systemdesigner in jedem Einzelfall zwischen maximaler Isolation und minimaler Ressourcennutzung wählen können.


Updates und Attestierung von Komponenten

Damit das Gesamtsystem vertrauenswürdig ist, dürfen nur die zum jeweiligen Szenario benötigten Komponenten miteinander kommunizieren und sie müssen sich korrekt verhalten. Um dies sicherzustellen, erforschen wir minimale Hard- und Software-Unterstützung für die sichere Attestierung von Identität und Integrität aller Bausteine. Die Attestierung wird auch benötigt, um Softwareupdates sicher einzuspielen.


Wissenschaftskommunikation mittels Film

Um unsere Forschung einem breiteren Publikum zu näherzubringen, gehen wir manchmal ungewöhnliche Wege. Einer unserer Vorträge kam beim Publikum so gut an, dass wir daraus einen Erklärfilm zum Thema ‚Datensicherheit durch Modularisierung‘ entwickelt haben. Im Film veranschaulichen animierte Roboter, wie die Software in Smartphones funktioniert und wie wir sie schützen können. Dabei dient das Smartphone auch als Sinnbild für die digitale Infrastruktur in der vernetzten Welt von morgen.

Unser Team

Michael Roitzsch
Dr.-Ing.Michael RoitzschResearch Group Leader
Nils Asmussen
Dr.-Ing.Nils AsmussenPrincipal Researcher
Carsten Weinhold
Dr.-Ing.Carsten WeinholdPrincipal Researcher
Matthias Hille
M.Sc. Inf.Matthias HilleAssociate Researcher
Till Miemietz
Dipl.-Inf.Till MiemietzAssociate Researcher
Viktor Reusch
M. Sc.Viktor ReuschAssociate Researcher
Hermann Härtig
Prof. Dr.Hermann HärtigBI Research Fellow


Nilanjana Das, Friedrich Pauls, Mattis Hasler, Sebastian Haas, Nils Asmussen, Hardware Attack Models in the Tiled Chip Multi-Core Processor: A Survey, 2024 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC), 2024

title = "Hardware Attack Models in the Tiled Chip Multi-Core Processor: A Survey",
author = "Nilanjana Das, Friedrich Pauls, Mattis Hasler, Sebastian Haas, Nils Asmussen",
year = "2024",
booktitle = "2024 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC)"
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Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Towards Disaggregation-Native Data Streaming between Devices, 3rd Workshop on Heterogeneous Composable and Disaggregated Systems (HCDS), 2024 , Download PDF

title = "Towards Disaggregation-Native Data Streaming between Devices",
author = "Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch",
year = "2024",
booktitle = "3rd Workshop on Heterogeneous Composable and Disaggregated Systems (HCDS)",
address = "San Diego, CA, USA",
month = "May",
url = ""
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Michael Roitzsch, Bureaucracy in Systems: Measuring System Complexity by the Amount of Digital Paperwork, ASPLOS Wild and Crazy Ideas, 2024 , Download PDF

title = "Bureaucracy in Systems: Measuring System Complexity by the Amount of Digital Paperwork",
author = "Michael Roitzsch",
year = "2024",
booktitle = "ASPLOS Wild and Crazy Ideas",
address = "San Diego, CA, USA",
month = "May"
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Nils Asmussen, Sebastian Haas, Adam Lackorzyński, Michael Roitzsch, Core-Local Reasoning and Predictable Cross-Core Communication with M³, 30th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), 2024 , Download PDF

title = "Core-Local Reasoning and Predictable Cross-Core Communication with M³",
author = "Nils Asmussen, Sebastian Haas, Adam Lackorzyński, Michael Roitzsch",
year = "2024",
booktitle = "30th IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS)",
address = "Hong Kong, China",
month = "May",
publisher = "IEEE",
url = ""
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Till Miemietz, Viktor Reusch, Michael Roitzsch, An NVM Performance Study Towards Whole System Persistence on Server Platforms, 1st Workshop on Disruptive Memory Systems (DIMES), 2023 , Download PDF

title = "An NVM Performance Study Towards Whole System Persistence on Server Platforms",
author = "Till Miemietz, Viktor Reusch, Michael Roitzsch",
year = "2023",
booktitle = "1st Workshop on Disruptive Memory Systems (DIMES)",
address = "Koblenz, Germany",
month = "October",
publisher = "ACM",
url = ""
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Felix Suchert, Lisza Zeidler, Jeronimo Castrillon, Sebastian Ertel, ConDRust: Scalable Deterministic Concurrency from Verifiable Rust Programs, 37th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), 2023 , Download PDF

title = "ConDRust: Scalable Deterministic Concurrency from Verifiable Rust Programs",
author = "Felix Suchert, Lisza Zeidler, Jeronimo Castrillon, Sebastian Ertel",
year = "2023",
booktitle = "37th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP)",
address = "Seattle, WA, USA",
month = "July",
publisher = "LIPICS",
note = "Distinguished Artifact Award",
url = ""
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Michael Roitzsch, Till Miemietz, Christian von Elm, Nils Asmussen, Software-Defined CPU Modes, 19th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS), 2023 , Download PDF

title = "Software-Defined CPU Modes",
author = "Michael Roitzsch, Till Miemietz, Christian von Elm, Nils Asmussen",
year = "2023",
booktitle = "19th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems (HotOS)",
address = "Providence, RI, USA",
month = "June",
publisher = "ACM",
url = ""
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Carsten Weinhold, Nils Asmussen, Diana Göhringer, Michael Roitzsch, Towards Modular Trusted Execution Environments, 6th Workshop on System Software for Trusted Execution (SysTEX), 2023 , Download PDF

title = "Towards Modular Trusted Execution Environments",
author = "Carsten Weinhold, Nils Asmussen, Diana Göhringer, Michael Roitzsch",
year = "2023",
booktitle = "6th Workshop on System Software for Trusted Execution (SysTEX)",
address = "Rome, Italy",
month = "May",
publisher = "ACM",
url = ""
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Sebastian Haas, Nils Asmussen, A Trusted Communication Unit for Secure Tiled Hardware Architectures, 2022 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS), 2022 , Download PDF

title = "A Trusted Communication Unit for Secure Tiled Hardware Architectures",
author = "Sebastian Haas, Nils Asmussen",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "2022 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS)",
month = "October",
pages = "1-4"
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Sebastian Haas, Mattis Hasler, Friedrich Pauls, Stefan Köpsell, Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Gerhard Fettweis, Trustworthy Computing for O-RAN: Security in a Latency-Sensitive Environment, 2nd Workshop On Architectural Evolution Toward 6G Networks - 6GARCH, 2022 , Download PDF

title = "Trustworthy Computing for O-RAN: Security in a Latency-Sensitive Environment",
author = "Sebastian Haas, Mattis Hasler, Friedrich Pauls, Stefan Köpsell, Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Gerhard Fettweis",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "2nd Workshop On Architectural Evolution Toward 6G Networks - 6GARCH",
month = "December",
pages = "1-6"
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Jan Bierbaum, Maksym Planeta, Hermann Härtig, Towards Efficient Oversubscription: On the Cost and Benefit of Event-Based Communication in MPI, International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers (ROSS), 2022 , Download PDF

title = "Towards Efficient Oversubscription: On the Cost and Benefit of Event-Based Communication in MPI",
author = "Jan Bierbaum, Maksym Planeta, Hermann Härtig",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers (ROSS)",
address = "Dallas, TX, USA",
month = "November",
url = ""
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Till Smejkal, Jan Bierbaum, Manuel von Oltersdorff-Kalettka, Michael Roitzsch, CABAS: Real-Time for the Masses, 16th Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time (OSPERT), 2022 , Download PDF

title = "CABAS: Real-Time for the Masses",
author = "Till Smejkal, Jan Bierbaum, Manuel von Oltersdorff-Kalettka, Michael Roitzsch",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "16th Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time (OSPERT)",
address = "Modena, Italy",
month = "July"
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Robert Walther, Carsten Weinhold, Michael Roitzsch, RATLS: Integrating Transport Layer Security with Remote Attestation, 4th Workshop on Cloud Security and Privacy (Cloud S&P), 2022 , Download PDF

title = "RATLS: Integrating Transport Layer Security with Remote Attestation",
author = "Robert Walther, Carsten Weinhold, Michael Roitzsch",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "4th Workshop on Cloud Security and Privacy (Cloud S&P)",
address = "Rome, Italy",
month = "June",
publisher = "Springer Nature",
url = ""
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Friedrich Pauls, Sebastian Haas, Stefan Köpsell, Michael Roitzsch, Nils Asmussen, Gerhard Fettweis, On Trustworthy Scalable Hardware/Software Platform Design, Smart Systems Integration Conference and Exhibition (SSI), 2022 , Download PDF

title = "On Trustworthy Scalable Hardware/Software Platform Design",
author = "Friedrich Pauls, Sebastian Haas, Stefan Köpsell, Michael Roitzsch, Nils Asmussen, Gerhard Fettweis",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "Smart Systems Integration Conference and Exhibition (SSI)",
month = "April"
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Till Miemietz, Maksym Planeta, Viktor Reusch, Jan Bierbaum, Michael Roitzsch, Hermann Härtig, Fast Privileged Function Calls, 11th Workshop on Systems for Post-Moore Architectures (SPMA), 2022 , Download PDF

title = "Fast Privileged Function Calls",
author = "Till Miemietz, Maksym Planeta, Viktor Reusch, Jan Bierbaum, Michael Roitzsch, Hermann Härtig",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "11th Workshop on Systems for Post-Moore Architectures (SPMA)",
address = "Rennes, France",
month = "April"
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Lluís Vilanova, Lina Maudlej, Shai Bergman, Till Miemietz, Matthias Hille, Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Hermann Härtig, Mark Silberstein, Slashing the Disaggregation Tax in Heterogeneous Data Centers with FractOS, European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), 2022 , Download PDF

title = "Slashing the Disaggregation Tax in Heterogeneous Data Centers with FractOS",
author = "Lluís Vilanova, Lina Maudlej, Shai Bergman, Till Miemietz, Matthias Hille, Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Hermann Härtig, Mark Silberstein",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys)",
address = "Rennes, France",
month = "April",
pages = "352–367",
url = ""
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Michael Roitzsch, Till Miemietz, The Software-Defined CPU, ASPLOS Wild and Crazy Ideas, 2022 , Download PDF

title = "The Software-Defined CPU",
author = "Michael Roitzsch, Till Miemietz",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "ASPLOS Wild and Crazy Ideas",
address = "Lausanne, Switzerland",
month = "February"
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Nils Asmussen, Sebastian Haas, Carsten Weinhold, Till Miemietz, Michael Roitzsch, Efficient and Scalable Core Multiplexing with M³v, ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), 2022 , Download PDF

title = "Efficient and Scalable Core Multiplexing with M³v",
author = "Nils Asmussen, Sebastian Haas, Carsten Weinhold, Till Miemietz, Michael Roitzsch",
year = "2022",
booktitle = "ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS)",
address = "Lausanne, Switzerland",
month = "February",
publisher = "ACM",
pages = "452–466",
url = ""
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Sebastian Haas, Nils Asmussen, HW/SW Design Challenges for Secure Computing Platforms, HiPEAC CSW Autumn, 2021

title = "HW/SW Design Challenges for Secure Computing Platforms",
author = "Sebastian Haas, Nils Asmussen",
year = "2021",
booktitle = "HiPEAC CSW Autumn",
address = "Lyon, France",
month = "October",
note = "Presentation",
url = ""
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Andrés Goens, Timo Nicolai, Jeronimo Castrillon, mpsym: Improving Design-Space Exploration of Clustered Manycores with Arbitrary Topologies, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2021 , Download PDF

title = "mpsym: Improving Design-Space Exploration of Clustered Manycores with Arbitrary Topologies",
author = "Andrés Goens, Timo Nicolai, Jeronimo Castrillon",
year = "2021",
journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD)",
month = "July",
url = ""
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Alexander Brauckmann, Andrés Goens, Jeronimo Castrillon, PolyGym: Polyhedral Optimizations as an Environment for Reinforcement Learning, 30th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), 2021 , Download PDF

title = "PolyGym: Polyhedral Optimizations as an Environment for Reinforcement Learning",
author = "Alexander Brauckmann, Andrés Goens, Jeronimo Castrillon",
year = "2021",
booktitle = "30th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT)",
month = "September",
publisher = "IEEE",
url = ""
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Robert Khasanov, Julian Robledo, Christian Menard, Andrés Goens, Jeronimo Castrillon, Domain-Specific Hybrid Mapping for Energy-Efficient Baseband Processing in Wireless Networks, International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis of Embedded Systems (CASES), 2021 , Download PDF

title = "Domain-Specific Hybrid Mapping for Energy-Efficient Baseband Processing in Wireless Networks",
author = "Robert Khasanov, Julian Robledo, Christian Menard, Andrés Goens, Jeronimo Castrillon",
year = "2021",
booktitle = "International Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis of Embedded Systems (CASES)",
month = "October",
publisher = "ACM",
url = ""
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Carsten Weinhold, Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Hardware/Software Co-Design für eine Modulare Systemarchitektur, Echtzeit 2020: Kommunikationssicherheit im Internet der Dinge, 2020

Inhalt dieses Papiers ist die Vorstellung eines Hardware/Software Co-Designs für Rechnerknoten im Internet der Dinge. Als Grundlage dient das M3-Mikrokernsystem, welches mittels einer neuartigen Hardware-Komponente sichere und effiziente Kommunikation zwischen Funktionsbausteinen innerhalb eines System-on-Chip erlaubt. Es wird außerdem ein Ausblick darauf gegeben, wie sichere Kommunikation über Knotengrenzen hinweg ermöglicht werden kann.

title = "Hardware/Software Co-Design für eine Modulare Systemarchitektur",
author = "Carsten Weinhold, Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch",
year = "2020",
booktitle = "Echtzeit 2020: Kommunikationssicherheit im Internet der Dinge",
month = "November",
publisher = "Springer",
pages = "21–30",
url = ""
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Alexander Brauckmann, Andrés Goens, Sebastian Ertel, Jeronimo Castrillon, Compiler-Based Graph Representations for Deep Learning Models of Code, 29th International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC), 2020 , Download PDF

In natural language processing, novel methods in deep learning, like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) on sequences of words, have been very successful. In contrast to natural languages, programming languages usually have a well-defined structure. With this structure compilers can reason about programs, using graphs such as abstract syntax trees (ASTs) or control-data flow graphs (CDFGs). In this paper, we argue that we should use these graph structures instead of sequences for learning compiler optimization tasks. To this end, we use graph neural networks (GNNs) for learning predictive compiler tasks on two representations based on ASTs and CDFGs. Experiments show that this improves upon the state-of-the-art in the task of heterogeneous OpenCL mapping, while providing orders of magnitude faster inference times, crucial for compiler optimizations. When testing on benchmark suites not included for training, our AST-based model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art by over 12 percentage points in terms of accuracy. It is the only one to perform clearly better than a random mapping. On the task of predicting thread coarsening factors, we show that all of the methods fail to produce an overall speedup.

title = "Compiler-Based Graph Representations for Deep Learning Models of Code",
author = "Alexander Brauckmann, Andrés Goens, Sebastian Ertel, Jeronimo Castrillon",
year = "2020",
booktitle = "29th International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC)",
address = "San Diego, CA, USA",
month = "February",
publisher = "ACM",
pages = "201–211",
url = ""
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Matthias Hille, Nils Asmussen, Hermann Härtig, Pramod Bhatotia, A Heterogeneous Microkernel OS for Rack-Scale Systems, 11th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys), 2020 , Download PDF

title = "A Heterogeneous Microkernel OS for Rack-Scale Systems",
author = "Matthias Hille, Nils Asmussen, Hermann Härtig, Pramod Bhatotia",
year = "2020",
booktitle = "11th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys)",
address = "Tsukuba, Japan",
month = "August",
publisher = "ACM",
url = ""
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Lluís Vilanova, Lina Maudlej, Matthias Hille, Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Mark Silberstein, Caladan: A Distributed Meta-OS for Data Center Disaggregation, 10th Workshop on Systems for Post-Moore Architectures (SPMA), 2020 , Download PDF

title = "Caladan: A Distributed Meta-OS for Data Center Disaggregation",
author = "Lluís Vilanova, Lina Maudlej, Matthias Hille, Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Mark Silberstein",
year = "2020",
booktitle = "10th Workshop on Systems for Post-Moore Architectures (SPMA)",
month = "April"
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Till Miemietz, Hannes Weisbach, Michael Roitzsch, Hermann Härtig, K2: Work-Constraining Scheduling of NVMe-Attached Storage, 40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), 2019 , Download PDF

title = "K2: Work-Constraining Scheduling of NVMe-Attached Storage",
author = "Till Miemietz, Hannes Weisbach, Michael Roitzsch, Hermann Härtig",
year = "2019",
booktitle = "40th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS)",
month = "December",
publisher = "IEEE"
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Matthias Hille, Nils Asmussen, Pramod Bhatotia, Hermann Härtig, SemperOS: A Distributed Capability System, USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), 2019 , Download PDF

title = "SemperOS: A Distributed Capability System",
author = "Matthias Hille, Nils Asmussen, Pramod Bhatotia, Hermann Härtig",
year = "2019",
booktitle = "USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC)",
address = "Renton, WA, USA",
month = "July",
publisher = "USENIX"
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Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Hermann Härtig, M3x: Autonomous Accelerators via Context-Enabled Fast-Path Communication, USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC), 2019 , Download PDF

title = "M3x: Autonomous Accelerators via Context-Enabled Fast-Path Communication",
author = "Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Hermann Härtig",
year = "2019",
booktitle = "USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC)",
address = "Renton, WA, USA",
month = "July",
publisher = "USENIX"
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Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Carsten Weinhold, Pluggable Components All The Way Down, 1st International Workshop on Next-Generation Operating Systems for Cyber-Physical Systems (NGOSCPS), 2019 , Download PDF

title = "Pluggable Components All The Way Down",
author = "Nils Asmussen, Michael Roitzsch, Carsten Weinhold",
year = "2019",
booktitle = "1st International Workshop on Next-Generation Operating Systems for Cyber-Physical Systems (NGOSCPS)",
address = "Montreal, Canada",
month = "April"
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