BI organzies JC&S Symposium

The Barkhausen Institut, 5G Lab Germany, TU Dresden, and IEEE ComSoc are organizing the 1st IEEE online Symposium on Joint Communications and Sensing (JC&S). The integration of communication and radio sensing in the same spectrum is likely to be one of the key features in B5G wireless systems. A joint design of both services will improve the efficiency of spectrum usage and will offer the opportunity of providing radar as a service, just like communications today. Therefore, Joint Communications and Sensing (JC&S) is the subject of rapidly growing interest in the research community.
This symposium will focus on the different system and implementation aspects of this promising new approach, bringing together academic and industrial experts from both the radar and communications research communities. Are you ready to join-in on the new symposium on the most important topic around developing the 6G PHY?
You will find more information at
- Submission Deadline: Dec 14, 2020
- Acceptance notification: Jan 10, 2021
- JC&S symposium: Feb 23 - 24, 2021